Sunday, September 25, 2011

This Morning...

Just a funny moment this morning which made me miss my hubby even more. I decided to make biscuits for breakfast since I have been craving apple butter and a cup of coffee. Well when I went to open the apple butter I fought with the thing for 10 minutes...finally getting it open. (Won that battle!) I miss the little things he did such as opening the apple butter. OF course he would have watched me and laughed but offered to help. It's the littlest things that matter....I am sure he will laugh at me when I tell him even.

Have a great Sunday! My will be consumed with finishing my long range plan (yes due tomorrow) and an eye appointment (oh yay! hopefully it solves my focusing issues!)

1 comment:

  1. LOL when my husband was gone for a 2 month underway once I wanted a Goober (peanut butter and jelly in a jar together) sandwich REALLY bad and couldn't get it open to save my life so I seriously cut through the top of it. Seriously, I REALLY wanted it.
