Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Sick and Missing Him...

15 days til graduation! I thought it would take forever. The time has been passing fast but I miss him like crazy. To make things even worse is I am sick. I am such a baby when I am sick and wish he was here. Just got home from the doctor and found out I have a bacterial sinus infection and double ear infection yucky.

I did get some more letters from the hubby though! I am depressed that he doesn't get to spend the night off base most likely. How many of your hubbies went straight to school after basic? Is this the procedure? I would think it would be different. I am hoping maybe he heard wrong.

He was on watch last week when the unit got the phone calls home so he missed bad does that suck. He was told he would get one and still has not. I am getting pretty ticked...I mean come on now how hard is it to have him make up the phone call. I know they get Sunday morning off and have some down time-he even told me. Trying to remain positive.

At least in 15 days I will be back in him arms where everything is okay! But in the mean time I am going to get better so I can enjoy my time with him!

Hope everyone is having a great Wednesday!

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